Thursday, June 17, 2010

Top Chef - DC Cheftestants Meet

I’m always hesitant to form opinions at the beginning of a reality show where people are going to be kicked off. I don’t know the contestants – in this case, cheftestants – well enough to determine if I like them, if I want them to do well/win, or if I think their braggadocio is warranted. Last night was a bit of an exception.

I think that John deserved to go. And not just because Joe didn’t like him and thinks that white guys shouldn’t have dreds. I didn’t like him because his expression and facial features remind me WAAAAAY too much of my father-in-law and it kind of creeped me out. I think Jaquelin got off easy. I thought she deserved to go. If you’re making something out of chicken liver, there should be fat. And Tom was right – if you’ve made it over 100 times, you shouldn’t need a recipe. And yes, you should have strained it.

I like Kenny. I wanted him to win last night. Angelo’s bragging reminded me a bit of Stefan. In Stefan’s case, it was irritating but justified. Time will tell if the same can be said of Angelo. However, with two wins under his belt, I’d say he’s got some chops. It was just annoying to have him so arrogant right out of the gate. Yet, he seemed more personable and likeable in his solo camera interview than he did when interacting with the other chefs.

The rest? Well, nobody else is doing much for me at this point. Nobody really stood out. Yet. Like I said, it’s early. But, I will say I wanted to try the potato-crusted rib eye, even if it did look like (as Eric Ripert said) a chicken nugget.

I thought it was funny that they already started the games in the Stew Room. For those who were put off by that, well, you’re going to be spending a lot of time there, so you’re going to have to find some way to pass the time. Although, remember season’s past and don’t show up drunk when you get called in before the judges, okay?

It will be interesting to see how they put the greater DC area to use in the challenges. I’m not looking forward to seeing some of the politicos. But I thought the scenery shots of the cherry blossoms in bloom were pretty. I hope they don’t bring Spike back, but they probably will. The bout of food poisoning Joe suffered after eating at his restaurant has me permanently against him. However, I REALLY hope they bring Carla in for an episode or two! I’m looking forward to future episodes, even if they do usually end up cooking things I probably wouldn’t eat.

And speaking of eating, time for my lunch!


  1. I actually missed last night's episode b/c I thought it began at 10pm, but thank heavens for Tivo. When I can wrestle the remote away from my out of school children, I will watch the episode. I did catch the previews for next week and was happy to see them utilize Mt. Vernon. Great spot for a challenge. So many areas to choose from around here. Wish I'd known the show was only 7miles from my house, I would definitely had put on my "groupie" hat and stalked the GW's house.

    With all the gay stuff I have to sit through watching this show, and now with Pelosi being on this show, I don't think I am watching anymore. I've had it. I know Tom and gang are all liberals and worship at the altar of their "Messaiah", but I don't. I choose to turn the show off like I did that Cake show. I want to watch a cooking show that cooks and not make all these political statements. It's my escape, and when I can't escape any longer then I don't watch anymore.

    ...and it just pisses me off to no end!

  2. Then you're really not going to like it when you hear the one gal say that she wants to be the first African-American to win, espeically in Obama's town!

    I'll give it a few more episodes before I get tired of it and quit watching. I gave up on Top Chef Masters because I lost interest when I no longer cared who won. I'm not sure I'll get apathetic like that this time, but I'll probably have a hard time swallowing all the political nonsense. We'll see.
