Tuesday, June 15, 2010

RHONJ - Dina's Farewell

The more I see of her, the less I like Danielle. Poor choices. Poor decisions. Poor taste. But, I’ve got to say that I wasn’t really impressed with anyone this episode.

Therese – I think this is the first episode where we didn’t really see much of the baby! I missed her. I thought the trip to the farm with the kids was cute. Way to embrace the fall. I love those sorts of low-key family outings. But, I have to disagree with you. I don’t think most guys in their mid-20s are making sex tapes. I know you don’t like Danielle and you want to defend your buddy, but it is still obnoxious.

Caroline – You were in the background most of this episode. Yes, you caught Jackie in a goof on the name calling. Yes, you were right that Dina shouldn’t have met with Danielle. This was a good week for you. Not only that, you were able to come down from the Brownstone drama. It was nice to see you smile so much.

Jackie – how drunk were you during the night of the poker game? Pulling Steve out to yell at him? Really? Bad choice of timing. I’m all for confronting him. And I was interested to learn the “reality” of the sex tape situation. But in the middle of the poker game? And did you really have to start in on your daughter so quickly? And then literally throw her out of your house in such dramatic fashion? Ashley did the right thing by walking away before her mouth got her into trouble. But you? You, the adult? You, the mature one? You had to go follow her and keep it up. You couldn’t let it go. You had to continue pushing her buttons. Yeah, that worked. How’s it feel to be seen on national television that you can’t even be understanding and supportive of your 18-year-old daughter? I’m so glad your parents treated you that way when you divorced when she was a baby and went back home. The more I see of your relationship with Ashley, the more I cringe. I felt awful for Derek. And, to be honest, I think he should have done the right thing and left with her, instead of staying to be one of the guys.

Dina – I’m going to miss you. I understand why you’re leaving, though. But I’m still sad. Looks like they’re going to replace you with Kim G., which I really don’t like, since I think she’s a little too two-faced for me. I wonder how she’ll survive the reunion.

Do these women not realize that everyone’s going to see their duplicity and call them on it? Really?

Anyway, Dina, I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope we’ll still see you from time to time.

Danielle – Huh-uh. It is not always a good day to get naked. It is not necessary to have thugs waiting in the parking lot of a restaurant. It is not necessary to read an email out loud with snarky comments to make fun of someone. It is not necessary to remember how to dance on a pole. It is not necessary to continue to trash people who, by and large, are trying to do their utmost to leave you alone. The only one who keeps bringing up the past is you. Dina was a big supporter of yours. Dina did try to champion you and stayed out of a lot of the trash talking about you. Danny has got to go. Kim G. isn’t really your friend. I’m not sure I’d want friends who want me to wear baby-doll dresses that are an inch below my butt. You’re supposed to be a grown, mature, adult woman. Why not start acting your age? I mean, I find it difficult to reconcile that you don’t want a stripper to dance in front of you (from the behind the scenes footage on the website), but it’s okay to climb a pole in front of your friends? How does that even begin to make sense? And please don’t try to pretty it up or rationalize it. You were a dancer. Fine. I’ve known a couple. But at least own it. Don’t try to dance around it. (Argh – rotten pun!) I just don’t get it and I’m not sure I want to. But, it does make for interesting tv!

Next week we get to see Caroline break down over Albie. And something else that didn’t make a strong enough impression on me to remember.

I will miss Dina. Grandma Whiskers? Not so much. But you could see that Dina was pulling back from it all. I don’t blame her. She’s gotten terribly uncomfortable. Well, with luck we’ll still see her pop up at a family event or two.

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