Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Jersey Gals - Therese's Housewarming 21 June 2010

Where has the time gone? Sorry to be late in putting this one up! Here’s what I remember most from Monday night’s episode. Oh, and I did stay up and watched “Watch What Happens (Live)” with Danielle afterwards, so there may be some comments about that sprinkled in here, too.

Before I begin with the NJ girls, though, I just want to make one comment on the NYC girls. We’ve got one more episode this week showing some of the lost footage. However, I saw that Jill posted a blog about the reunion and in doing so, it read a great deal like her final farewell. My guess? She’s not returning next season and Jen the party planner is going to replace her.

Not sure I like that. I haven’t seen much of Jen, but I haven’t been impressed with what I did see. I still can’t get past that horrific bow on her blouse at the lunch when Kelly came back from St. John.

And I’ve read here and there that the DC housewives are still going to include the White House crashers. That sort of spoils it for me. I didn’t care for the way that couple handled the resulting inquiry and if they’re going to be prominent in the series, I’m not sure I’ll watch.

I still haven’t seen Bethenny’s show yet, nor do I have an inclination to.

Okay, back to the gals in North Joisey….

The opening sequence with lunch with Caroline, Therese, and Jacqueline seemed forced. I know they wanted to do a tribute, per se, to Dina. However, I just found it a bit too much. I don’t really remember them just sitting down and having lunch to begin with, unless it was to have an intervention or discuss a particular situation. I don’t really remember any social lunches just for fun, but maybe they just didn’t make it on the air?

Caroline – I feel for you. I do. But thank you, thank you, THANK you for being a mom and not trying to be your kids’ best friend! Thank you for cheering Albie on, telling him to stand up for himself, but not fighting the fight for him. On the one hand, I can see that he’s struggling. And I feel for him. On the other hand, law school is challenging and if he’s struggling that much, perhaps he needs to take fewer classes per semester? I’m sure he’ll be able to work it out. I found it rather refreshing to find him a bit out of sorts and to see the family rally together to support each other. Nice to know there are issues in every family and that you can rely on each other to try to work them out.

Jacqueline – The whole situation with Ashley seems so forced. It really does. The venting to Chris feels staged to me. The family meeting to reach terms before she moves home felt staged. But I did admire the way you called Kim G. out for spreading tales about your obsession with Danielle. Good for you for not letting her get away with that.

Wow – there are only four ladies. Weird. Before I get to Danielle and Therese, I’m going to have a bit of an interlude by discussing Kim G. and Kim D.

Kim D. – Way to humiliate yourself at Therese’s housewarming party! Just how drunk were you, woman? Caroline was right in saying that if one of her kids had pulled that stunt to interrupt the hostess’ speech she’d have choked them. And way to play both sides of the fence. So, is Danielle a friend? A customer? Does it depend on whether she owes you money? What’s the deal? On second thought, I don’t want to know.

Kim G. – You’re trying to play both sides, too. The only difference is you’re getting caught in it. Jackie called you out on it for lying to Caroline in trying to make her look bad. If Danielle is the only thing you have in common with the other ladies, that’s not enough. Caroline has already said she wants to keep distance from you. I think the others would be wise to do the same.

Danielle – I can appreciate that you have a medical condition that is prompting you to get treatment for your implants. I’m sure it happens. Probably more than I’m aware of. Never having had implants, I wouldn’t know first-hand. But I don’t need to be taken into the exam room with you to see you flash the doctors. I just don’t. Wasn’t the sale of your sex tapes enough? Do you really need to flaunt yourself that way? In the Watch What Happens episode, I was somewhat impressed with your singing. It was a pretty song, but not memorable. For some reason, I still can’t get LuAnn’s out of my head, but I liked yours better. Nice little stunt with the songwriter who sang it as a duet with you – are you two a couple? Have you switched teams? Or was it all a publicity stunt? Whatever. I’ve got to say that I really don’t much care one way or the other. I did think it was funny when Andy fielded a question for you about what you think about Kim G. now that you’ve seen the episodes and you responded with, “who?”

Therese – Oh, girlfriend! Oy! First of all, if you’re that uncomfortable with the party planner, ditch her and hire another one, for crying out loud. Why would you pay money to a woman who is so critical of you and flat out nasty to her client? There are a million party planners in the greater North Jersey/NYC area. Sheesh! The one thing that kept running through my mind as I watched you prepare for the housewarming was $11 million bankruptcy. And how much did you throw away on that party? The colored lights flashing on the façade of the house? The light-changing bar? The crystal martini glasses? Turning your great room into a night club? That wasn’t what you had in mind when it started. I’m sure it was a fantastic party. Was it over the top? Absolutely! Was it typical Therese? Probably. But I have to say I might have liked the low-key party in the back yard better. You and Joe looked adorable dancing together. Glad to hear that Dina was there, but edited out of the episode. I’m a bit bummed that we didn’t see the girls much this episode. Still, with the recent news about your filing for bankruptcy and hearing that your shore house has been foreclosed upon, I found it hard to watch the exchange with the party planner about why you don’t have a pool and how you have the shore house for that. To be honest, I was uncomfortable watching you plan the whole party when I thought of the expense involved. I’m not trying to pass judgment on this. But, it was just awkward for me to watch, ya know?

Looks like Kim D. and Kim G. are going to become regulars. Is one destined to replace Dina? Most likely. Which? I’d prefer neither. I haven’t been impressed with either one. Neither provides comic relief. And, in fact, I’ve become rather embarrassed for them as I watch their antics. However, I am curious to see the big blow up at Kim D.’s party next week. We’ll see!

What did you think?

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