Friday, June 11, 2010

RHONYC - Season Three Reunion, Part 1

Part one? What? Three part reunion show? After all the drama tonight, I’m not sure I can wait that long watch what happens next. But, while we’re waiting, let’s think about what we saw tonight…

Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true. A good point, Jill. And one you should remember. And yes, I am a judge. All your viewers are. And I, for one, don’t much like the behavior and finger pointing, but it does make good tv! Love the storming off the set at the end, too. I wonder how many of the housewives will storm off before the reunion concludes? Any guesses?

Where to begin? Let’s start of easy and get to the juicy stuff at the end, shall we?

Kelly – Telling Alex to cross her legs? A bit crass on national tv, don’t ya think? The editors wouldn’t have let that exposure on the air. And a drunk kiss is not a HUGE indiscretion. Certainly not worth throwing an entire marriage away over. (How’s THAT for awful grammar?) I’m still sort of wondering what your reality is and if other people exist there. I think you mean well, I do. But I just don’t know how to take you.

LuAnn – Yes, by now, we ALL know you love to sing. But that’s not really singing, darling. It’s speaking the lyrics. Kind of rapping, but with less rhythm. More like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady. Only, his was cool. Your songs just get stuck in my head and refuse to leave and drive me crazy! And quit sharing looks with Jill. I’ll give you a bit of a tip – don’t share glances with someone when you’re accused of taking that person’s side in a fight. The body language gives you away.

Ramona – Oh, Ramona. Congratulations – again, on your renewal. I’m glad you’re happy (although, the tantrum you seem to throw in the previews for future episodes of the reunion indicate that you’re upset, too). I loved being reminded of your renewing your vows. I thought the ceremony was lovely. But, those eyes in the fashion show! Ack! Um, let’s just say that’s not one of your most flattering moments. I’ve got to say, the ladies are right – you do speak your mind. Lucky you – your apologies seem heartfelt and when you realize how much you hurt someone, you are quick to apologize and make up. But you were hurtful in many of your comments this season.

Alex – Good for you for not letting the hurt and frustration fester. Sometimes you just need to let it out. Yes, you did it with a bang, but good for you. I’m inclined to believe you’re right in a lot of what you say, but a word of caution: when two people recount an event, there’s one person’s memory, there’s the other person’s memory, and the reality of what really happened is usually somewhere in the middle. I don’t think you and Jill will ever mix, mostly because you want her to change to be someone you’ll like more, and she’s just not going to do that. But, Alex? Alex, Alex, Alex! Please. I beg of you. I’ll get down on my knees – PLEASE no Simon in Speedos! Do not make me want to poke my eyes out. I like Simon. Honest. But I just don’t want to see that.

Bethenny – I’m still not entirely sure you should have lost the pregnancy weight so quickly, but maybe that’s just me being jealous. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s just me being jealous, so ignore me and let’s move on. I’ve got to say that I think Jason’s right – Jill’s all about Jill. Remember when LuAnn introduced Jill to her new freaky boyfriend at the CD launch party? What did she do? Ask about him? Even tell him it’s nice to meet him? Not that we saw. She made it all about her. And that’s what she does now. I’ve been saying it all season. But you, Bethenny. It struck me that you kept talking about your relationship with Jill in the past tense. I don’t think you have any real intention of making up with her. I just don’t see it happening. And I think you’re okay with that, so more power to you. I think you’ve got some underlying issues with Jill that still haven’t reached the surface. I wonder if it’s because you’re afraid that if they do, there will never be any turning back and the damage will be fierce?

Jill – Before I get to the meat of this, 9 am is NOT EARLY. Most of the world is already at work. Just sayin’. Again, maybe it’s just me being jealous. Yeah. We’ll go with that. Moving on…. Oooh – I’ve got to say that I’m a bit shocked that you started early on in the show calling people names. A Coward? Really? Wow. Jill, you really do tend to speak first, think later, and then have to apologize a lot. And you seem to be in denial a lot. I don’t remember that. I never said that. Oh, wait. Yes, I did, but I’m sorry. It’s a lesson most of us learn early in life (and I’m not sure why you haven’t seemed to have learned it yet, but…) you need to learn there are consequences to your actions and that words are a weapon. You do have a tendency to make things all about you. That’s become increasingly obvious. And it’s really not an attractive quality. I wish I could say that it’s just editing, but it happens too often for me to believe that. I’m glad you want to make up with Bethenny, but she tried and she tried and you refused to hear her. That’s not friendship and it’s not healthy. I’m glad you’ve learned that, but by behaving that way, you hurt her, too. And she’s every bit as entitled to not want to make up with you as you didn’t want to make up with her. And I’ll leave you with one final thought: What is up with those horrid shoes?

So, that’s my take on the episode. What did you think?

Didn’t watch Bethenny’s new show. Too many other shows on tonight. Didn’t dvr it yet, either. If you saw it, is it worth watching?

To quote Alex, “always remember, basic civility is a good thing.”

Oh, and Patti? Congratulations on your engagement.

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