Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RHONJ - The 7 June 2010 Episode

What do I remember about Monday night's episode? Let's see...

Therese - of COURSE you're a stage mom! Every other stage parent there could see it. Just look at how nuts you were before Gia's dance recital last year - the stop at the beauty parlor before the rehearsal? Who does that? If you want her to be in modeling and acting, especially up in NYC, you're going to have to be a stage parent. Go ahead - embrace it! But yes, if she's going to act, she's going to have to lose the HEAVY NJ accent she has. And yes, you have one, too. Oh, come on - it's funny! When I call my relatives in Texas or Georgia, I pour on the thick Joisey/South Philly accent just to crack them up. And about that bankruptcy filing - I'm finding it a bit hard to be sympathetic towards you with that one. When you're shelling out thousands to buy clothes, you shouldn't be filing bankruptcy papers saying you owe approximately $11 million. I'm sorry, honey. Don't buy your 7 or 8 year old a child's sized ATV when you're having your houses foreclosed on. Get her a Barbie doll and tell her to be happy.

Dina - I'm not sure what you're thinking. I still like you. I do. You're a little out there, sometimes, but that could be a good thing, considering the drama of the family. Just for the record, I thought the centerpiece on table for the wedding you're doing was awful. Oh, wait. Was that from the "Unseen Footage" episode? It may have been. If it was and you have no clue what I'm talking about, I'm sorry! Anyway, while I admire your wanting closure, meeting Danielle to tell her you never want to see her again is just dumb. Sometimes, the hard part about being a grown up is knowing when to walk away. Do you get the final showdown? Nope. But you get to end it. By calling for that meeting, all you're doing is really being a bit mean - ripping open Danielle's wounds and dumping in the salt to rationalize to yourself and to her why you don't want anything to do with her and how she blew her chance with her. Unfortunately, that doesn't make you the better/bigger person. I think that, in this case, you should have just walked away and not looked back if you really wanted to take the high road. Again, though, that would be bad for ratings.

Jaqueline (& Ashley) - Oy! Girlfriend, your daughter is the spitting image of you - in looks and temper. And attitude. I think both of you need to grow up a bit. Yes, Jackie, you feel like a fool for befriending Danielle. We get that. You made what you consider to be an error in judgement and now you want the WHOLE WORLD to know that Danielle's really a raving psychotic. Gotcha. Leave the dead horse alone - you've beaten it enough. And if Ashley isn't smart enough to stay away from Danielle, then maybe she deserves to have charges filed against her? Bullying is bullying. And your daughter has been the victim before (at school, or so she says) - did she like it so much that she wants to inflict it on someone else? It's hard for me to rally to your cause when you're behaving like adolescents. Tweeter and Facebook wars? Really? How about just ignoring her and moving on? Do you really have to belabor it? And before you start reprimanding your daughter about her public posts, remember that you say many similar things in your blogs, which, last I checked, were public postings online. No wonder Chris looks like he wants to crawl back under a rock to get away from everything.

Kim G - If you were that uncomfortable (which you clearly were, from the expression on your face), you should have had the guts to tell Danielle's new boy toy to shut up. They came with YOU. You drove. If you were that offended, leave without them and let them call a cab. If you felt so strongly about standing up for Chris, the time to do so was when he was being thrown under the bus. Although, at least you found the courage to say something. But why would you talk to Jackie (who apparently barely knows you) at the salon to come clean about your feelings about Danielle? Were you commiserating? Were you trying to distance yourself from her? Seems all the "friends" Danielle has suddenly stab her in the back when they're with the Manzos (that freak from the clothing store at the sheriff fundraiser ring a bell???). Nice people. Pick a side, pick an allegiance, and stay true to it. I'll respect you more. If you care for your son's best friend (and, let's face it, our best friends parents are usually like our second set of parents. I still call one of my best friends' parents "Mom" and "Dad"), then you should have defended him. You were clearly uncomfortable. Grow a backbone. But, I am happy you called Danielle out on it. And she did flip out and try to twist things. And no, she's not going to get over it. Your timing could have been better - why would you essentially yell at someone as you're getting ready to go to a party in their honor? Talk to her afterwards - don't ruin her night. Seems to me you're just a wee bit off in the way you're handling things.

Caroline - Ah, mama. You really are the matriarch of the clan, aren't you? The lovely dinner at your house was sweet, but I think it was also contrived. I guess that's the one night of the week that the Brownstone is closed? And just how convenient it was that it was the exact same night and the exact same time as Dina was meeting Danielle, which would prompt everyone to discuss Danielle during dinner? Albie's face was priceless - just watching it all and not saying a word. Smart boy! You toasted to what? Never talking about Danielle again? Yeah, right. How long do you think that will last? I love the idea of big family dinners. I have a blast cooking huge meals on Sundays for our extended family. But I don't use it as a reason to trash someone. Again, wouldn't make for good tv, though.

Danielle - Oh, Danielle. I'm just sadly shaking my head now. You reap what you sow. Yes, you're attacking the children. I don't care if they're legally adults, they're still children. And the mamas are going to get defensive. And your buddy's derogatory slur should have been shut down the moment it came out of his mouth. But you let him go. Can't have it both ways, my dear. You can't slam Therese's hubby, Juicy Joe, and not expect to hear it when your bodyguard says something worse. And you can't be a gay advocate if you allow that to be said around you on national tv without censuring the speaker. Just sayin'. Did you deserve the slap down from Kim? Sure you did. You're responsible for your guests and they behaved rudely. Should she have done it right before your party? Nah, probably not. But should you have freaked out and started crying at your party with the whole melodrama woe-is-me routine? Nah. Get over it. And what's with never having an "adult" (I'm assuming you mean grown-up) birthday party? What? You married a rotten husband, then. Isn't it nice that Ms. Moneybags picked up the tab for you? Shouldn't you be a bit more gracious, then, when she reprimands you? Or are you getting sick of the people holding the money telling you what to do? I'm not sure why everyone is getting all bent out of shape over you and Dina talking to your dogs/cats. Anyone who has a pet vents to their pet. Get over it. But don't make fun of her when you're going to talk to yourself or your dog, too. Doesn't make you crazy. However, I do have to wonder about your sanity if you really think Dina is going to call you out of the blue to request a meeting to apologize or make nice. Really? After what you did at her husband's place of business? Are you out of your mind? And do you really think it's necessary to have a street thug sitting out in the parking lot? That's just sad and pathetic. At least have him come in and sit at the bar. Aren't you a little old for this ridiculous cloak/dagger stuff? All you're doing is making a fool out of yourself. I'm not going to blame Dina one bit next week when she calls you crazy.

Can't wait for the NYC reunion show tomorrow night. Jury's still out on whether I like Bethenney enough to watch a full hour dedicated to her ego.

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!!!!! It's about time we had The Voice of Reason published for all to see!
