Friday, June 18, 2010

The New York City Housewives - Reunion, the 3rd...

Jill was selfish and mean.

Kelly lives in her own little world.

We get it. Did we really need three episodes to re-hash this?

After watching last night, the part that I remember the most was Andy asking the ladies if they were going to return for another season. Bethenny’s obviously out since she’s now got her own show. Ramona likes the plug for her jewelry line, so she’s not going anywhere. Alex is enjoying the publicity for her book and has finally gotten comfortable with herself in the show. She’ll stay. Sonja isn’t looking to leave – she just got there. LuAnn is having too much fun. She’ll stay. Kelly? I don’t think she has the motivation to leave. She’s liking the exposure too much. Jill? Well, we saw some of the uglier sides of her this season and I think she doesn’t really want to share that. However, she can’t argue the success of her book based on her exposure on the show. My guess is that she’ll be back for another season. And this time we’ll see a nicer, gentler Jill. If she goes, well, then we know who Jen is there to replace. It’s going to be either Jill or Kelly. Which one, I’m not sure. I’m sure Jill’s fan sites are already swamped with messages from devoted fans begging her to stay.

Yes, Kelly contradicts herself. The argument that she’s against cruelty to animals and yet is a huge PETA supporter is too funny to me. Do I think she’s a flat out hypocrite? Nah. I think she’s just confused and has a tendency to twist things to suit her logic. Everyone’s done that from time to time – it’s just that she’s getting busted on a larger stage with bigger issues.

Yes, Jill shouldn’t have shown up unannounced at Ramona’s party. We get that. Now get over it. But, I do have to say that if it sent Jill into a tail spin for several days, I’m a bit shocked. I don’t know why she didn’t see it coming. And I don’t know why she was so hurt or upset, considering she was fighting with most of the people there. And if they reached out to her to take care of Kelly, but she was more worried about making an entrance…??? Hmmmmm…. Makes you wonder….

Yes, LuAnn is dating again. Bummer that her hubby’s fling didn’t work out. Shocking! But, if she was wife #4, can anyone really be too surprised? That Cort/Cord guy is just a little too out there for my tastes. And Jacques? Eh. If he makes her happy…

There was something else about last night that just flitted across my brain, but it’s gone. For the life of me, I can’t remember. Oh, well.

What did you think?

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