Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The NYC Reunion, Part II

Can we make Jill cry anymore? Seriously. Don’t get me wrong – I pretty much turned in my Team Jill membership card this year. I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t like how she acted. But she’s gotten it. She knows it. She apologized. I was amazed – even when she pulled her patented, “tell me! Give me an example!” line, she got the examples, admitted the others were right, and apologized. Good for her. Now, can we let her have a little dignity and move on?

Bethenny – I’ve got to say that you at least own that you’re snarky. And you’re right that there’s only so much a person can deal with at one time. Personally, I don’t blame you for not being ready to make up with Jill. Then again, if you’ve been that close with her for that long, you really shouldn’t be surprised by her behavior. I am curious as to what the other issues are, but I think those cards are being kept close to the vest. I will say, though, that for all that Kelly was complaining about the bullying, as she was talking you were really quick to jump in and begin to raise your voice with her. And I think that’s a lot of what she’s complaining about. You do have a tendency to talk over others. Loudly. That can be intimidating.

Ramona – You were pretty quiet this time around. I’m still waiting for your explosion.

Alex – Please remember that what you recall of a situation and what the others there recall of a situation may differ. Jill has a different memory. I really wish Andy had been able to run the clip so we could see who was right, but does it really matter? I think it’s time to let it go. You’ve made your point. You tried to reach out to Jill. You tried to be her friend. You were tired of her comments and being mean/critical of you and your family. We get it. You were right. It’s clear that she was wrong. You’ve won. Now it’s time to be gracious and move on.

Sonya – Yeah, you do talk about sex a little too much. I’d read that you were a hostess at a pizza parlor. I’m not sure if that translates into being an ambassador of sorts or in business development at a restaurant. I’m not quite sure about that. I think you’re living large, you married well, you’re still in high society. But, for some reason, I expect a little more class and a little less crass from you. In fact, I’m still wondering about the whole “customer” remark. Speaks volumes, if you ask me. And I think I’d be mortified if I were your daughter.

LuAnn – You had very little to say this episode. I wonder if we’ll hear more from you at the conclusion of the reunion.

Kelly – Aha! I wondered who would be the one to walk out this week! Yes, the ladies do interrupt and talk over one another. I usually hate it when people do that to me, but I find myself doing it to others – often when things are getting heated. Is that bullying? A bit. They can be intimidating. But, I have to wonder how you could have survived as long as you have in the modeling world if you never learned to stand up for yourself? And if you’re using this as a platform to talk about bullying, then why aren’t you standing up to them and trying to put an end to the behavior when it happens? And, I’ve got to say that I’m in agreement with Andy on the whole trip thing. No, you weren’t forced to go. You could have bailed on it. LuAnn didn’t go. Jill didn’t go. You could have opted out. You chose to go and then you chose to leave. Accept your decisions and face the consequences. Stop playing the victim.

Jill – You’ve had to swallow a lot in this reunion. Yes, you were wrong. Yes, there are some unattractive parts to your personality. But, let him without sin cast the first stone. We’re all flawed. The difference is that you’ve had it held up for the whole world to see. I’m curious to see if you’re going to begin to try to change. Will you let go of the grudges? Will you be more forgiving? It was really uncomfortable to watch you as you were facing all of this. I hope you can use this as an opportunity to grow and move on.

There’s still more coming. One more part of the reunion to go. What can be left for them to re-hash at this point?

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