Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rant? Nope.
Ridiculous? Nope.

RAVE!!!! LOVE THIS! Believe it or not, this is a girlfriend of mine from high school. Yes, she's a fire dancer in Belize. Holy cow! She's amazing! You've got to check it out!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Jersey Gals - Therese's Housewarming 21 June 2010

Where has the time gone? Sorry to be late in putting this one up! Here’s what I remember most from Monday night’s episode. Oh, and I did stay up and watched “Watch What Happens (Live)” with Danielle afterwards, so there may be some comments about that sprinkled in here, too.

Before I begin with the NJ girls, though, I just want to make one comment on the NYC girls. We’ve got one more episode this week showing some of the lost footage. However, I saw that Jill posted a blog about the reunion and in doing so, it read a great deal like her final farewell. My guess? She’s not returning next season and Jen the party planner is going to replace her.

Not sure I like that. I haven’t seen much of Jen, but I haven’t been impressed with what I did see. I still can’t get past that horrific bow on her blouse at the lunch when Kelly came back from St. John.

And I’ve read here and there that the DC housewives are still going to include the White House crashers. That sort of spoils it for me. I didn’t care for the way that couple handled the resulting inquiry and if they’re going to be prominent in the series, I’m not sure I’ll watch.

I still haven’t seen Bethenny’s show yet, nor do I have an inclination to.

Okay, back to the gals in North Joisey….

The opening sequence with lunch with Caroline, Therese, and Jacqueline seemed forced. I know they wanted to do a tribute, per se, to Dina. However, I just found it a bit too much. I don’t really remember them just sitting down and having lunch to begin with, unless it was to have an intervention or discuss a particular situation. I don’t really remember any social lunches just for fun, but maybe they just didn’t make it on the air?

Caroline – I feel for you. I do. But thank you, thank you, THANK you for being a mom and not trying to be your kids’ best friend! Thank you for cheering Albie on, telling him to stand up for himself, but not fighting the fight for him. On the one hand, I can see that he’s struggling. And I feel for him. On the other hand, law school is challenging and if he’s struggling that much, perhaps he needs to take fewer classes per semester? I’m sure he’ll be able to work it out. I found it rather refreshing to find him a bit out of sorts and to see the family rally together to support each other. Nice to know there are issues in every family and that you can rely on each other to try to work them out.

Jacqueline – The whole situation with Ashley seems so forced. It really does. The venting to Chris feels staged to me. The family meeting to reach terms before she moves home felt staged. But I did admire the way you called Kim G. out for spreading tales about your obsession with Danielle. Good for you for not letting her get away with that.

Wow – there are only four ladies. Weird. Before I get to Danielle and Therese, I’m going to have a bit of an interlude by discussing Kim G. and Kim D.

Kim D. – Way to humiliate yourself at Therese’s housewarming party! Just how drunk were you, woman? Caroline was right in saying that if one of her kids had pulled that stunt to interrupt the hostess’ speech she’d have choked them. And way to play both sides of the fence. So, is Danielle a friend? A customer? Does it depend on whether she owes you money? What’s the deal? On second thought, I don’t want to know.

Kim G. – You’re trying to play both sides, too. The only difference is you’re getting caught in it. Jackie called you out on it for lying to Caroline in trying to make her look bad. If Danielle is the only thing you have in common with the other ladies, that’s not enough. Caroline has already said she wants to keep distance from you. I think the others would be wise to do the same.

Danielle – I can appreciate that you have a medical condition that is prompting you to get treatment for your implants. I’m sure it happens. Probably more than I’m aware of. Never having had implants, I wouldn’t know first-hand. But I don’t need to be taken into the exam room with you to see you flash the doctors. I just don’t. Wasn’t the sale of your sex tapes enough? Do you really need to flaunt yourself that way? In the Watch What Happens episode, I was somewhat impressed with your singing. It was a pretty song, but not memorable. For some reason, I still can’t get LuAnn’s out of my head, but I liked yours better. Nice little stunt with the songwriter who sang it as a duet with you – are you two a couple? Have you switched teams? Or was it all a publicity stunt? Whatever. I’ve got to say that I really don’t much care one way or the other. I did think it was funny when Andy fielded a question for you about what you think about Kim G. now that you’ve seen the episodes and you responded with, “who?”

Therese – Oh, girlfriend! Oy! First of all, if you’re that uncomfortable with the party planner, ditch her and hire another one, for crying out loud. Why would you pay money to a woman who is so critical of you and flat out nasty to her client? There are a million party planners in the greater North Jersey/NYC area. Sheesh! The one thing that kept running through my mind as I watched you prepare for the housewarming was $11 million bankruptcy. And how much did you throw away on that party? The colored lights flashing on the façade of the house? The light-changing bar? The crystal martini glasses? Turning your great room into a night club? That wasn’t what you had in mind when it started. I’m sure it was a fantastic party. Was it over the top? Absolutely! Was it typical Therese? Probably. But I have to say I might have liked the low-key party in the back yard better. You and Joe looked adorable dancing together. Glad to hear that Dina was there, but edited out of the episode. I’m a bit bummed that we didn’t see the girls much this episode. Still, with the recent news about your filing for bankruptcy and hearing that your shore house has been foreclosed upon, I found it hard to watch the exchange with the party planner about why you don’t have a pool and how you have the shore house for that. To be honest, I was uncomfortable watching you plan the whole party when I thought of the expense involved. I’m not trying to pass judgment on this. But, it was just awkward for me to watch, ya know?

Looks like Kim D. and Kim G. are going to become regulars. Is one destined to replace Dina? Most likely. Which? I’d prefer neither. I haven’t been impressed with either one. Neither provides comic relief. And, in fact, I’ve become rather embarrassed for them as I watch their antics. However, I am curious to see the big blow up at Kim D.’s party next week. We’ll see!

What did you think?

Friday, June 18, 2010

The New York City Housewives - Reunion, the 3rd...

Jill was selfish and mean.

Kelly lives in her own little world.

We get it. Did we really need three episodes to re-hash this?

After watching last night, the part that I remember the most was Andy asking the ladies if they were going to return for another season. Bethenny’s obviously out since she’s now got her own show. Ramona likes the plug for her jewelry line, so she’s not going anywhere. Alex is enjoying the publicity for her book and has finally gotten comfortable with herself in the show. She’ll stay. Sonja isn’t looking to leave – she just got there. LuAnn is having too much fun. She’ll stay. Kelly? I don’t think she has the motivation to leave. She’s liking the exposure too much. Jill? Well, we saw some of the uglier sides of her this season and I think she doesn’t really want to share that. However, she can’t argue the success of her book based on her exposure on the show. My guess is that she’ll be back for another season. And this time we’ll see a nicer, gentler Jill. If she goes, well, then we know who Jen is there to replace. It’s going to be either Jill or Kelly. Which one, I’m not sure. I’m sure Jill’s fan sites are already swamped with messages from devoted fans begging her to stay.

Yes, Kelly contradicts herself. The argument that she’s against cruelty to animals and yet is a huge PETA supporter is too funny to me. Do I think she’s a flat out hypocrite? Nah. I think she’s just confused and has a tendency to twist things to suit her logic. Everyone’s done that from time to time – it’s just that she’s getting busted on a larger stage with bigger issues.

Yes, Jill shouldn’t have shown up unannounced at Ramona’s party. We get that. Now get over it. But, I do have to say that if it sent Jill into a tail spin for several days, I’m a bit shocked. I don’t know why she didn’t see it coming. And I don’t know why she was so hurt or upset, considering she was fighting with most of the people there. And if they reached out to her to take care of Kelly, but she was more worried about making an entrance…??? Hmmmmm…. Makes you wonder….

Yes, LuAnn is dating again. Bummer that her hubby’s fling didn’t work out. Shocking! But, if she was wife #4, can anyone really be too surprised? That Cort/Cord guy is just a little too out there for my tastes. And Jacques? Eh. If he makes her happy…

There was something else about last night that just flitted across my brain, but it’s gone. For the life of me, I can’t remember. Oh, well.

What did you think?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Top Chef - DC Cheftestants Meet

I’m always hesitant to form opinions at the beginning of a reality show where people are going to be kicked off. I don’t know the contestants – in this case, cheftestants – well enough to determine if I like them, if I want them to do well/win, or if I think their braggadocio is warranted. Last night was a bit of an exception.

I think that John deserved to go. And not just because Joe didn’t like him and thinks that white guys shouldn’t have dreds. I didn’t like him because his expression and facial features remind me WAAAAAY too much of my father-in-law and it kind of creeped me out. I think Jaquelin got off easy. I thought she deserved to go. If you’re making something out of chicken liver, there should be fat. And Tom was right – if you’ve made it over 100 times, you shouldn’t need a recipe. And yes, you should have strained it.

I like Kenny. I wanted him to win last night. Angelo’s bragging reminded me a bit of Stefan. In Stefan’s case, it was irritating but justified. Time will tell if the same can be said of Angelo. However, with two wins under his belt, I’d say he’s got some chops. It was just annoying to have him so arrogant right out of the gate. Yet, he seemed more personable and likeable in his solo camera interview than he did when interacting with the other chefs.

The rest? Well, nobody else is doing much for me at this point. Nobody really stood out. Yet. Like I said, it’s early. But, I will say I wanted to try the potato-crusted rib eye, even if it did look like (as Eric Ripert said) a chicken nugget.

I thought it was funny that they already started the games in the Stew Room. For those who were put off by that, well, you’re going to be spending a lot of time there, so you’re going to have to find some way to pass the time. Although, remember season’s past and don’t show up drunk when you get called in before the judges, okay?

It will be interesting to see how they put the greater DC area to use in the challenges. I’m not looking forward to seeing some of the politicos. But I thought the scenery shots of the cherry blossoms in bloom were pretty. I hope they don’t bring Spike back, but they probably will. The bout of food poisoning Joe suffered after eating at his restaurant has me permanently against him. However, I REALLY hope they bring Carla in for an episode or two! I’m looking forward to future episodes, even if they do usually end up cooking things I probably wouldn’t eat.

And speaking of eating, time for my lunch!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

RHONJ - Dina's Farewell

The more I see of her, the less I like Danielle. Poor choices. Poor decisions. Poor taste. But, I’ve got to say that I wasn’t really impressed with anyone this episode.

Therese – I think this is the first episode where we didn’t really see much of the baby! I missed her. I thought the trip to the farm with the kids was cute. Way to embrace the fall. I love those sorts of low-key family outings. But, I have to disagree with you. I don’t think most guys in their mid-20s are making sex tapes. I know you don’t like Danielle and you want to defend your buddy, but it is still obnoxious.

Caroline – You were in the background most of this episode. Yes, you caught Jackie in a goof on the name calling. Yes, you were right that Dina shouldn’t have met with Danielle. This was a good week for you. Not only that, you were able to come down from the Brownstone drama. It was nice to see you smile so much.

Jackie – how drunk were you during the night of the poker game? Pulling Steve out to yell at him? Really? Bad choice of timing. I’m all for confronting him. And I was interested to learn the “reality” of the sex tape situation. But in the middle of the poker game? And did you really have to start in on your daughter so quickly? And then literally throw her out of your house in such dramatic fashion? Ashley did the right thing by walking away before her mouth got her into trouble. But you? You, the adult? You, the mature one? You had to go follow her and keep it up. You couldn’t let it go. You had to continue pushing her buttons. Yeah, that worked. How’s it feel to be seen on national television that you can’t even be understanding and supportive of your 18-year-old daughter? I’m so glad your parents treated you that way when you divorced when she was a baby and went back home. The more I see of your relationship with Ashley, the more I cringe. I felt awful for Derek. And, to be honest, I think he should have done the right thing and left with her, instead of staying to be one of the guys.

Dina – I’m going to miss you. I understand why you’re leaving, though. But I’m still sad. Looks like they’re going to replace you with Kim G., which I really don’t like, since I think she’s a little too two-faced for me. I wonder how she’ll survive the reunion.

Do these women not realize that everyone’s going to see their duplicity and call them on it? Really?

Anyway, Dina, I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope we’ll still see you from time to time.

Danielle – Huh-uh. It is not always a good day to get naked. It is not necessary to have thugs waiting in the parking lot of a restaurant. It is not necessary to read an email out loud with snarky comments to make fun of someone. It is not necessary to remember how to dance on a pole. It is not necessary to continue to trash people who, by and large, are trying to do their utmost to leave you alone. The only one who keeps bringing up the past is you. Dina was a big supporter of yours. Dina did try to champion you and stayed out of a lot of the trash talking about you. Danny has got to go. Kim G. isn’t really your friend. I’m not sure I’d want friends who want me to wear baby-doll dresses that are an inch below my butt. You’re supposed to be a grown, mature, adult woman. Why not start acting your age? I mean, I find it difficult to reconcile that you don’t want a stripper to dance in front of you (from the behind the scenes footage on the website), but it’s okay to climb a pole in front of your friends? How does that even begin to make sense? And please don’t try to pretty it up or rationalize it. You were a dancer. Fine. I’ve known a couple. But at least own it. Don’t try to dance around it. (Argh – rotten pun!) I just don’t get it and I’m not sure I want to. But, it does make for interesting tv!

Next week we get to see Caroline break down over Albie. And something else that didn’t make a strong enough impression on me to remember.

I will miss Dina. Grandma Whiskers? Not so much. But you could see that Dina was pulling back from it all. I don’t blame her. She’s gotten terribly uncomfortable. Well, with luck we’ll still see her pop up at a family event or two.

The NYC Reunion, Part II

Can we make Jill cry anymore? Seriously. Don’t get me wrong – I pretty much turned in my Team Jill membership card this year. I didn’t like what I saw. I didn’t like how she acted. But she’s gotten it. She knows it. She apologized. I was amazed – even when she pulled her patented, “tell me! Give me an example!” line, she got the examples, admitted the others were right, and apologized. Good for her. Now, can we let her have a little dignity and move on?

Bethenny – I’ve got to say that you at least own that you’re snarky. And you’re right that there’s only so much a person can deal with at one time. Personally, I don’t blame you for not being ready to make up with Jill. Then again, if you’ve been that close with her for that long, you really shouldn’t be surprised by her behavior. I am curious as to what the other issues are, but I think those cards are being kept close to the vest. I will say, though, that for all that Kelly was complaining about the bullying, as she was talking you were really quick to jump in and begin to raise your voice with her. And I think that’s a lot of what she’s complaining about. You do have a tendency to talk over others. Loudly. That can be intimidating.

Ramona – You were pretty quiet this time around. I’m still waiting for your explosion.

Alex – Please remember that what you recall of a situation and what the others there recall of a situation may differ. Jill has a different memory. I really wish Andy had been able to run the clip so we could see who was right, but does it really matter? I think it’s time to let it go. You’ve made your point. You tried to reach out to Jill. You tried to be her friend. You were tired of her comments and being mean/critical of you and your family. We get it. You were right. It’s clear that she was wrong. You’ve won. Now it’s time to be gracious and move on.

Sonya – Yeah, you do talk about sex a little too much. I’d read that you were a hostess at a pizza parlor. I’m not sure if that translates into being an ambassador of sorts or in business development at a restaurant. I’m not quite sure about that. I think you’re living large, you married well, you’re still in high society. But, for some reason, I expect a little more class and a little less crass from you. In fact, I’m still wondering about the whole “customer” remark. Speaks volumes, if you ask me. And I think I’d be mortified if I were your daughter.

LuAnn – You had very little to say this episode. I wonder if we’ll hear more from you at the conclusion of the reunion.

Kelly – Aha! I wondered who would be the one to walk out this week! Yes, the ladies do interrupt and talk over one another. I usually hate it when people do that to me, but I find myself doing it to others – often when things are getting heated. Is that bullying? A bit. They can be intimidating. But, I have to wonder how you could have survived as long as you have in the modeling world if you never learned to stand up for yourself? And if you’re using this as a platform to talk about bullying, then why aren’t you standing up to them and trying to put an end to the behavior when it happens? And, I’ve got to say that I’m in agreement with Andy on the whole trip thing. No, you weren’t forced to go. You could have bailed on it. LuAnn didn’t go. Jill didn’t go. You could have opted out. You chose to go and then you chose to leave. Accept your decisions and face the consequences. Stop playing the victim.

Jill – You’ve had to swallow a lot in this reunion. Yes, you were wrong. Yes, there are some unattractive parts to your personality. But, let him without sin cast the first stone. We’re all flawed. The difference is that you’ve had it held up for the whole world to see. I’m curious to see if you’re going to begin to try to change. Will you let go of the grudges? Will you be more forgiving? It was really uncomfortable to watch you as you were facing all of this. I hope you can use this as an opportunity to grow and move on.

There’s still more coming. One more part of the reunion to go. What can be left for them to re-hash at this point?

Friday, June 11, 2010

RHONYC - Season Three Reunion, Part 1

Part one? What? Three part reunion show? After all the drama tonight, I’m not sure I can wait that long watch what happens next. But, while we’re waiting, let’s think about what we saw tonight…

Just because you say it, doesn’t make it true. A good point, Jill. And one you should remember. And yes, I am a judge. All your viewers are. And I, for one, don’t much like the behavior and finger pointing, but it does make good tv! Love the storming off the set at the end, too. I wonder how many of the housewives will storm off before the reunion concludes? Any guesses?

Where to begin? Let’s start of easy and get to the juicy stuff at the end, shall we?

Kelly – Telling Alex to cross her legs? A bit crass on national tv, don’t ya think? The editors wouldn’t have let that exposure on the air. And a drunk kiss is not a HUGE indiscretion. Certainly not worth throwing an entire marriage away over. (How’s THAT for awful grammar?) I’m still sort of wondering what your reality is and if other people exist there. I think you mean well, I do. But I just don’t know how to take you.

LuAnn – Yes, by now, we ALL know you love to sing. But that’s not really singing, darling. It’s speaking the lyrics. Kind of rapping, but with less rhythm. More like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady. Only, his was cool. Your songs just get stuck in my head and refuse to leave and drive me crazy! And quit sharing looks with Jill. I’ll give you a bit of a tip – don’t share glances with someone when you’re accused of taking that person’s side in a fight. The body language gives you away.

Ramona – Oh, Ramona. Congratulations – again, on your renewal. I’m glad you’re happy (although, the tantrum you seem to throw in the previews for future episodes of the reunion indicate that you’re upset, too). I loved being reminded of your renewing your vows. I thought the ceremony was lovely. But, those eyes in the fashion show! Ack! Um, let’s just say that’s not one of your most flattering moments. I’ve got to say, the ladies are right – you do speak your mind. Lucky you – your apologies seem heartfelt and when you realize how much you hurt someone, you are quick to apologize and make up. But you were hurtful in many of your comments this season.

Alex – Good for you for not letting the hurt and frustration fester. Sometimes you just need to let it out. Yes, you did it with a bang, but good for you. I’m inclined to believe you’re right in a lot of what you say, but a word of caution: when two people recount an event, there’s one person’s memory, there’s the other person’s memory, and the reality of what really happened is usually somewhere in the middle. I don’t think you and Jill will ever mix, mostly because you want her to change to be someone you’ll like more, and she’s just not going to do that. But, Alex? Alex, Alex, Alex! Please. I beg of you. I’ll get down on my knees – PLEASE no Simon in Speedos! Do not make me want to poke my eyes out. I like Simon. Honest. But I just don’t want to see that.

Bethenny – I’m still not entirely sure you should have lost the pregnancy weight so quickly, but maybe that’s just me being jealous. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s just me being jealous, so ignore me and let’s move on. I’ve got to say that I think Jason’s right – Jill’s all about Jill. Remember when LuAnn introduced Jill to her new freaky boyfriend at the CD launch party? What did she do? Ask about him? Even tell him it’s nice to meet him? Not that we saw. She made it all about her. And that’s what she does now. I’ve been saying it all season. But you, Bethenny. It struck me that you kept talking about your relationship with Jill in the past tense. I don’t think you have any real intention of making up with her. I just don’t see it happening. And I think you’re okay with that, so more power to you. I think you’ve got some underlying issues with Jill that still haven’t reached the surface. I wonder if it’s because you’re afraid that if they do, there will never be any turning back and the damage will be fierce?

Jill – Before I get to the meat of this, 9 am is NOT EARLY. Most of the world is already at work. Just sayin’. Again, maybe it’s just me being jealous. Yeah. We’ll go with that. Moving on…. Oooh – I’ve got to say that I’m a bit shocked that you started early on in the show calling people names. A Coward? Really? Wow. Jill, you really do tend to speak first, think later, and then have to apologize a lot. And you seem to be in denial a lot. I don’t remember that. I never said that. Oh, wait. Yes, I did, but I’m sorry. It’s a lesson most of us learn early in life (and I’m not sure why you haven’t seemed to have learned it yet, but…) you need to learn there are consequences to your actions and that words are a weapon. You do have a tendency to make things all about you. That’s become increasingly obvious. And it’s really not an attractive quality. I wish I could say that it’s just editing, but it happens too often for me to believe that. I’m glad you want to make up with Bethenny, but she tried and she tried and you refused to hear her. That’s not friendship and it’s not healthy. I’m glad you’ve learned that, but by behaving that way, you hurt her, too. And she’s every bit as entitled to not want to make up with you as you didn’t want to make up with her. And I’ll leave you with one final thought: What is up with those horrid shoes?

So, that’s my take on the episode. What did you think?

Didn’t watch Bethenny’s new show. Too many other shows on tonight. Didn’t dvr it yet, either. If you saw it, is it worth watching?

To quote Alex, “always remember, basic civility is a good thing.”

Oh, and Patti? Congratulations on your engagement.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

RHONJ - The 7 June 2010 Episode

What do I remember about Monday night's episode? Let's see...

Therese - of COURSE you're a stage mom! Every other stage parent there could see it. Just look at how nuts you were before Gia's dance recital last year - the stop at the beauty parlor before the rehearsal? Who does that? If you want her to be in modeling and acting, especially up in NYC, you're going to have to be a stage parent. Go ahead - embrace it! But yes, if she's going to act, she's going to have to lose the HEAVY NJ accent she has. And yes, you have one, too. Oh, come on - it's funny! When I call my relatives in Texas or Georgia, I pour on the thick Joisey/South Philly accent just to crack them up. And about that bankruptcy filing - I'm finding it a bit hard to be sympathetic towards you with that one. When you're shelling out thousands to buy clothes, you shouldn't be filing bankruptcy papers saying you owe approximately $11 million. I'm sorry, honey. Don't buy your 7 or 8 year old a child's sized ATV when you're having your houses foreclosed on. Get her a Barbie doll and tell her to be happy.

Dina - I'm not sure what you're thinking. I still like you. I do. You're a little out there, sometimes, but that could be a good thing, considering the drama of the family. Just for the record, I thought the centerpiece on table for the wedding you're doing was awful. Oh, wait. Was that from the "Unseen Footage" episode? It may have been. If it was and you have no clue what I'm talking about, I'm sorry! Anyway, while I admire your wanting closure, meeting Danielle to tell her you never want to see her again is just dumb. Sometimes, the hard part about being a grown up is knowing when to walk away. Do you get the final showdown? Nope. But you get to end it. By calling for that meeting, all you're doing is really being a bit mean - ripping open Danielle's wounds and dumping in the salt to rationalize to yourself and to her why you don't want anything to do with her and how she blew her chance with her. Unfortunately, that doesn't make you the better/bigger person. I think that, in this case, you should have just walked away and not looked back if you really wanted to take the high road. Again, though, that would be bad for ratings.

Jaqueline (& Ashley) - Oy! Girlfriend, your daughter is the spitting image of you - in looks and temper. And attitude. I think both of you need to grow up a bit. Yes, Jackie, you feel like a fool for befriending Danielle. We get that. You made what you consider to be an error in judgement and now you want the WHOLE WORLD to know that Danielle's really a raving psychotic. Gotcha. Leave the dead horse alone - you've beaten it enough. And if Ashley isn't smart enough to stay away from Danielle, then maybe she deserves to have charges filed against her? Bullying is bullying. And your daughter has been the victim before (at school, or so she says) - did she like it so much that she wants to inflict it on someone else? It's hard for me to rally to your cause when you're behaving like adolescents. Tweeter and Facebook wars? Really? How about just ignoring her and moving on? Do you really have to belabor it? And before you start reprimanding your daughter about her public posts, remember that you say many similar things in your blogs, which, last I checked, were public postings online. No wonder Chris looks like he wants to crawl back under a rock to get away from everything.

Kim G - If you were that uncomfortable (which you clearly were, from the expression on your face), you should have had the guts to tell Danielle's new boy toy to shut up. They came with YOU. You drove. If you were that offended, leave without them and let them call a cab. If you felt so strongly about standing up for Chris, the time to do so was when he was being thrown under the bus. Although, at least you found the courage to say something. But why would you talk to Jackie (who apparently barely knows you) at the salon to come clean about your feelings about Danielle? Were you commiserating? Were you trying to distance yourself from her? Seems all the "friends" Danielle has suddenly stab her in the back when they're with the Manzos (that freak from the clothing store at the sheriff fundraiser ring a bell???). Nice people. Pick a side, pick an allegiance, and stay true to it. I'll respect you more. If you care for your son's best friend (and, let's face it, our best friends parents are usually like our second set of parents. I still call one of my best friends' parents "Mom" and "Dad"), then you should have defended him. You were clearly uncomfortable. Grow a backbone. But, I am happy you called Danielle out on it. And she did flip out and try to twist things. And no, she's not going to get over it. Your timing could have been better - why would you essentially yell at someone as you're getting ready to go to a party in their honor? Talk to her afterwards - don't ruin her night. Seems to me you're just a wee bit off in the way you're handling things.

Caroline - Ah, mama. You really are the matriarch of the clan, aren't you? The lovely dinner at your house was sweet, but I think it was also contrived. I guess that's the one night of the week that the Brownstone is closed? And just how convenient it was that it was the exact same night and the exact same time as Dina was meeting Danielle, which would prompt everyone to discuss Danielle during dinner? Albie's face was priceless - just watching it all and not saying a word. Smart boy! You toasted to what? Never talking about Danielle again? Yeah, right. How long do you think that will last? I love the idea of big family dinners. I have a blast cooking huge meals on Sundays for our extended family. But I don't use it as a reason to trash someone. Again, wouldn't make for good tv, though.

Danielle - Oh, Danielle. I'm just sadly shaking my head now. You reap what you sow. Yes, you're attacking the children. I don't care if they're legally adults, they're still children. And the mamas are going to get defensive. And your buddy's derogatory slur should have been shut down the moment it came out of his mouth. But you let him go. Can't have it both ways, my dear. You can't slam Therese's hubby, Juicy Joe, and not expect to hear it when your bodyguard says something worse. And you can't be a gay advocate if you allow that to be said around you on national tv without censuring the speaker. Just sayin'. Did you deserve the slap down from Kim? Sure you did. You're responsible for your guests and they behaved rudely. Should she have done it right before your party? Nah, probably not. But should you have freaked out and started crying at your party with the whole melodrama woe-is-me routine? Nah. Get over it. And what's with never having an "adult" (I'm assuming you mean grown-up) birthday party? What? You married a rotten husband, then. Isn't it nice that Ms. Moneybags picked up the tab for you? Shouldn't you be a bit more gracious, then, when she reprimands you? Or are you getting sick of the people holding the money telling you what to do? I'm not sure why everyone is getting all bent out of shape over you and Dina talking to your dogs/cats. Anyone who has a pet vents to their pet. Get over it. But don't make fun of her when you're going to talk to yourself or your dog, too. Doesn't make you crazy. However, I do have to wonder about your sanity if you really think Dina is going to call you out of the blue to request a meeting to apologize or make nice. Really? After what you did at her husband's place of business? Are you out of your mind? And do you really think it's necessary to have a street thug sitting out in the parking lot? That's just sad and pathetic. At least have him come in and sit at the bar. Aren't you a little old for this ridiculous cloak/dagger stuff? All you're doing is making a fool out of yourself. I'm not going to blame Dina one bit next week when she calls you crazy.

Can't wait for the NYC reunion show tomorrow night. Jury's still out on whether I like Bethenney enough to watch a full hour dedicated to her ego.