Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Jersey's Real Housewives - Season 2 Reunion Part 2

Well, Bravo won't let one of their franchises end - especially one with so many viewers and so much drama. But, I have to wonder - who's going to be on the show next year?

And will Danielle drop all the lawsuits?

And will Kim G really buy all of Teresa's stuff to put on ebay?

So many questions. But as for last night...

Caroline, I have to say that I was really in your corner up until a couple of weeks ago. Why agree to the trip to Italy if you hate cruises? Why not just get a shore house? And are you really surprised you got stuck baby-sitting? I felt sorry for you a little, but you put yourself into that position. Just like you put yourself into the position to try to moderate everything with Danielle. And then you tried to eat your cake and have it, too by claiming that you've never done anything directly to her, but that every barb sent to a member of your family was a direct hit on you. And then you resorted to name calling. The reunion didn't really win me back, either. I didn't like seeing you in all-out attack mode. And that's what you were. If Jacqui was willing to accept Danielle's apology, why weren't you? They were the two who were friends. They were the two who were most attacking of each other. You stirred the pot by introducing THE BOOK in the first season (so yeah, you did attack Danielle directly, by your own admission). Your emotions got the better of you and as much as you want to be the matriarch of the clan, that didn't seem to work out so well for you.

Teresa - I've got to say that I haven't been impressed by anything you've done. In fact, I've rolled my eyes at you more than at any other housewife. I'm not impressed with your excuses about your husband's affairs, his drunk driving, or his management of your expenses and income. I haven't been impressed with how you're raising your daughters. I (personally) don't care for your tastes in furnishings or fashion. I haven't liked how you've attacked Danielle - and make no mistake about it, you have. I haven't cared for how you body slammed Andy or how you cursed like a sailor at the reunion. While I do find your dedication to your family admirable, I've heard too many stories of poor treatment of your extended family to make me think that you're as sweet and loving as you'd like to be portrayed. And, if the rumors are true and you're not coming back because of a bad deal with Bravo over your book, well, you're the one who signed the contract, my dear. Personally, I just think you couldn't stand the actual attention of celebrity when you got it.

Jackie - I have to agree with the viewer who wrote in and suggested that you take the credit for Ashley's bad behavior. I've been saying that all season. She learned her way of dealing with things from where? Why, from watching YOU! If it's okay for you to man-handle her and physically throw her out of your house, why shouldn't she be able to put her hands on someone else? Oooooh! You gave away her car? Wow. Good for you. You kept her home from Italy? Oh, wow. Will she ever recover? Then again, would you have gotten so staggeringly drunk if she'd been there?

Kim G - nice mouth, lady. I don't have much to say in your direction. You can't play the victim. You knew what you were getting into with Danielle when you became her friend. You let her use you and you can't cry foul after the fact. But I haven't seen an ounce of class out of you and your appearance last night confirmed it. I sincerely hope you're not back again. And the whole creepy relationship between you and the other Kim? Get some chlorine into that gene pool and not just your hair!

Danielle - I'd like to hope that you were sincere in your apology. I want to think that you'll drop all the lawsuits. Yes, I can see you wanting nothing more than an apology. And I can see you not getting one because of all the hurt feelings. It's a shame that things got to where they did. I'm sure the celebrity factor didn't help much. And I can't really blame you for walking out. Yes, the three of them ganged up on you. But Caroline was right in one respect - you don't take responsibility for your actions and your friends the way you expect them to. You've got to be fair about that. AND, if you really stopped talking to Danny over the whole slur incident, why was he in so many episodes after that happened? That doesn't make sense to me. Not a whole lot that you do makes sense to me, now that I think about it. But I hope you've turned the corner now. I really do.

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