Friday, July 23, 2010

Catching up on the NJ Drama

Three episodes gone, but they’re all the same story… the fashion show at the country club and its aftermath.

Did Teresa start it? You bet. This time I’ve got to give props to Danielle for trying to keep her cool and get away.

Now, that said, I know my own temper and I’d be all ready to get into it if I were in that position. However, I’m not sure that, as a grown adult, as a mother, and as a woman I’d have gone literally running through an event shouting and screaming looking to fight someone.

Teresa went WAY overboard. And to try to paint herself as the sweet, loving woman who’s nice to everyone and that Danielle deserved it? I don’t think so, dear. I think you were being rotten and pushing Danielle’s buttons. Did she deserve it? Maybe. But you could have just let her walk by and not said a word, which would have been the prudent course.

But you had to push it and things escalated and the whole night erupted.

Which leads me to my main issue with the whole situation…


The girl deserves way more than what she got. In reading blurbs about how Danielle is filing suit against the housewives and all the ensuing drama, it came out that Ashley did go to court and got assessed a fine. How much? I forget the exact amount, but it was under $200. Yes, it was her first offense. But it was mean, intentional, spiteful, malicious, and rotten. And she was completely – utterly – unrepentant.

I think that’s what bothers me the most. She had no qualms about physically assaulting someone. I find it really troubling that she was so quick to laugh it off. I have to admit that I really wanted her to face charges and jail time for that little escapade of hers. I don’t care that she thought her mother got hit. There’s a right way and a wrong way to deal with the situation.

And I’m sorry Jacqueline, she had to learn that behavior from somewhere, and I lay a lot of it at your feet. I’ve watched how the two of you have butted heads this season. I’ve watched how you handle conflict with your daughter and how you’ve literally man-handled her and thrown her out of your house. So the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, my dear. Then to suddenly expect her to realize the enormity of what she’s done, feel repentant for it, and understand the consequences of her actions? I find that laughable. From what we’ve seen, she’s never been held accountable before. She’s gotten money, cars, whatever she wants. She’s moved out, but had you still supporting her, when she didn’t want to live by your rules – the most onerous of which was a curfew. She doesn’t work. She’s not in school. How on earth should she know how to be responsible for her own actions? How can you expect her to behave like an adult when she’s never grown up?


I have to say that I was pretty disgusted by the whole situation. Maybe that’s why it’s taken me so long to write about it. No one behaved well. Danielle couldn’t let it go and decided to show her daughters how to prepare for revenge by going to get fighting lessons? Yeah, that’s a great way to teach your daughters how to handle conflict. Kim G and Kim the-one-who-runs-the-salon-who’s-last-initial-escapes-me just make me sick. They playing both sides. They mean and nasty. They can’t be trusted. If I had people like that in my life (and I probably do, I just don’t realize it because the venom hasn’t been directed toward me), I’d show them the door PDQ.

I mean, really! What’s to say you can’t be in the same room with people whom you’re not particularly fond of and still stay civil? It happens all the time. Stay on the other side of the room. Don’t talk to them. Ignore them. Rise above it. Don’t sit there and plot and plan on national television about how you’re going to seek revenge and prepare yourself for a physical altercation. That’s juvenile and just plain stupid.

Tiny yay to Jackie for calling Kim G to the carpet for playing both sides of the fence. But, really – Kim G has got to go. First of all, her dress at the fashion show was an embarrassment. I can’t imagine ever having the audacity to try to wear anything that short – and it certainly should not be seen on someone her age. The woman is old enough to be a grandmother and she’s acting and dressing like that? Really? Has the woman no shame? Well, obviously not. And when she goes to court like she said she would to stand by Ashley, well, so much for any concept of loyalty. What was it Bethenny called LuAnn? A snake? Certainly seems to apply here. I wonder if it’s just a matter of trying to get herself on camera? It’s looking more and more like they’re trying to make her Dina’s replacement. All I can say is that I hope that’s not the case; but that all the other women begin to distance themselves from her like Carolyn has.

Deep breath
Moving on…

In other storylines, I was glad to see that Albie got his letter to apply to other law schools. I hope that he’ll take the needed precautions to tell the schools that he has a learning disability so he can get help from day one and not wait until he’s on academic probation.

I still have trouble swallowing all the stuff I see Teresa and Joe doing. The pizza parlor? Really? Is it still in business? Because so many of Joe’s other ventures have been given back to the banks. Danielle wasn’t too far off the mark by calling so many of your properties in foreclosure, Teresa. And as the wife of a black belt, I can tell you that it’s great the girls are learning how to defend themselves, but they’re really just playing at that age – especially when they’re all together like that. Still, it was a cute photo op of them all at tae kwon do. I hope they learn the discipline that goes along with it. Not always easy when Dad’s the one teaching you [which is why Beth (for now) trains with another black belt we know].

I was disappointed to see the promos for the next show in the series – the DC Housewives. I’m not sure I’ll be able to bring myself to watch it. Just the thought of seeing that one couple erroneously attend the White House dinner sort of makes me queasy. I didn’t like them when it happened. I can’t imagine wanting to encourage them by watching them on the show.

And I heard that Fraiser’s (Kelsey Grammer) soon-to-be-ex-wife is going to be on an LA Housewives show that’s supposedly in the works. Not too sure about that one, either.

I still have yet to see an episode of Bethenny’s getting married. I wonder if Jill’s going to be all upset to see Brin’s delivery on television since she wasn’t there? It’s okay, I read the other day that Jill’s hosting Florida’s governor at her home in the Hamptons, so I’m sure she’s distracted.

Looking forward to Project Runway starting. Top Chef is eh most weeks this season. Hell’s Kitchen is getting annoying. Survivor is switching nights in the fall to Wednesdays & I’m not sure why, but it’s going to present a problem in our house.

Anybody watching Big Brother? I haven’t seen an episode yet. Saw the Bachelorette episode where the guy flew out to Tahiti to tell the Bachelorette chick that he was still in love with his ex. That was pretty good.

Okay, I’m rambling now. Enough’s enough. What are your thoughts on the latest drama?

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